New Townhall Coming Soon: Applications Closed From April 4

Dear rangers, The Endgame Part 2 Update will arrive soon. A big part of that update is the New Townhall that will bring lots of fresh changes to Townhall elections! It takes a little time […]
Dear rangers,

The Endgame Part 2 Update will arrive soon. A big part of that update is the New Townhall that will bring lots of fresh changes to Townhall elections! It takes a little time to transition from the old to the new Townhall ‒ this is our roadmap:

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 · New Applications for Offices Are No Longer Accepted
  • On April 4, we will disable the ability to apply for new offices in the Townhall. We are doing this because we cannot transfer running applications to the new Townhall, so to have a clean start with the new Townhall we need to let the old one "run dry".
  • Elections that are still running by the time we disable applications will conclude normally.
About 2 weeks later · New Townhall Opens & Silver Crown Auctions End
  • After the remaining elections in the old Townhall have concluded, we will update the game and switch to the New Townhall.
  • Also, Silver Crown auctions in the Auction House will be disabled.
Another 2 weeks later · First Sheriffs Are Elected in the New Townhall
  • An election round in the "Town" tier takes 14 days to complete, so we expect to see the first Sheriff parties under the new election system in early May!


About The “New Townhall

‣ Key Changes

· Applications now require Fame points to be spent.

  • The more Fame points you spend on an application, the greater the chance of reaching the best possible seat in that election round.
    • The amount of Fame points spent on your application can be increased up until shortly before the end of the election round.
    • For each application and each update of an application, a fee in Dino Dollars will be charged, which is based on various factors.
    • Your application receives an internal Fame points boost for offices you haven't reached yet.
    • In the event of a failed application, the majority of the Fame points you spent will be refunded.
2 · Applications are no longer submitted for a specific seat,
but for one of the three tiers: Street, District or Town.

  • Some basics of Townhall elections remain unchanged:
    • The three tiers' election rounds are independent of each other and have different durations.
      • You can only have one current application in the Townhall. A new application can only be made after the election round in the tier that you applied for has concluded.
      • Each of the three tiers includes four different offices, with the higher-ranked offices having fewer obtainable seats than the lower-ranked offices.
    • The number of obtainable seats is now better balanced between tiers, and it may also change over time.
  • There is now a minimum level per tier that your ranger must have reached before you can apply.
    • Minimum ranger level for applying in "Street" tier: 15
      • Minimum ranger level for applying in "District" tier: 25
      • Minimum ranger level for applying in "Town" tier: 45
    • All seats in a tier will be reassigned with each new election round. It is not possible to keep a particular seat on purpose, so there is no need to worry about seats being blocked.
  • At the end of an election round, the seats in that tier will be awarded to the applicants.
    The application with the highest Fame point value is assigned the best possible seat, i.e. a seat in the highest-ranked office of that tier. The remaining applications are distributed to the remaining seats in descending order according to their Fame point values. This means that it will only be decided at the end of an election round whether and which of the four offices in the tier is reached.
    • It is possible to lose an election, i.e., to not reach any office at the end of an election round. This will happen whenever there are more applications than seats available in a tier, and it affects the applications with the lowest Fame points values first.
    • Only offices that have been previously unlocked by reaching the next lower office can be reached.
      • Offices already reached in the old Townhall do not need to be unlocked again.
      • Offices that have not yet been unlocked must be unlocked in order, as before:
        • "Street" tier: RangerChief RangerSpeakerDirector
          • "District" tier: Board MemberConstableCouncillorGovernor
          • "Town" tier: Assistant DeputyDeputyMarshalSheriff
          • You can only reach offices already unlocked for your ranger in a given tier.
            Keep this in mind before you submit your application.
3 · Silver Crown rewards are now awarded for successful elections!
  • The reward is granted when a seat is reached at the end of an election round. The size of the reward is based on the office obtained ‒ the highest possible reward is given for reaching the office of Sheriff.
    • Silver Crowns can be spent on special items in Silver Lily's Emporium.

‣ Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What about my accomplishments from the old Townhall? Will all of it be gone?
A: All the offices you unlocked in the old Townhall are open to you in the new Townhall from the start. This gives you a big advantage over new players who have to start at the bottom.​
Q: Can I defend my office in the new Townhall?
Q: Can I apply for a specific office in the new Townhall?
A: The seats of a tier (Street, District, Town) are reassigned with each election, and your application is valid for the whole tier, not for a specific office. This means that with each new election you can gain any office that is unlocked for you within that tier. Competition within the tier will be decided based on the Fame that you put in your application.​
Q: Some servers have a lot more people playing than others. Will the new Townhall adapt to this?
A: Yes, it will! To be more precise: Over time, the number of available seats in the tiers of the new Townhall will adjust to the volume of applicants. The adjustment, however, takes place gradually.​
Q: How am I ever going to become Sheriff when all the previous Sheriffs can also achieve that office repeatedly?
A: Applications in the new Townhall are boosted internally for offices not yet reached. This means that as someone who has not yet been Sheriff, you will receive an advantage over someone who has been Sheriff before.​

‣ Even More Information

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