The Dev Shack #04 – Share Clan Duties & Responsibilities
lis 13 2015Welcome back to the Dev Shack! Hello rangers 🙂 This time we tackle a core gameplay aspect of Dino Storm’s endgame head-on. If you have joined the ranks of a clan to improve your chances […]The Dev Shack #03 – Reworked PvP Protection
paź 22 2015Welcome back to the Dev Shack! Hello rangers Just like the first one, our second Dev Shack piece prompted many insightful comments from your side. Thank you! Here is our third article, this time we […]The Dev Shack #03 – Reworked PvP Protection
paź 02 2015Welcome back to the Dev Shack! Hello rangers 🙂 Just like the first one, our second Dev Shack piece prompted many insightful comments from your side. Thank you! Here is our third article, this time […]The Dev Shack #02 – Fast & Convenient Ways to Travel
sie 28 2015Welcome back to the Dev Shack! Hello rangers 🙂 When our first Dev Shack article came out, it took a few days for comments to really get going—but once the discussion was under way, we […]The Dev Shack #01 – Improvements to Loot Distribution
lip 30 2015What is „The Dev Shack”? Hello rangers 🙂 We know that many of you are interested in what updates we are working on for Dino Storm, and how these will affect the game. Well, we […]A Monstrous Easter: Fight for Your Right to Easter!
mar 27 2015Find Easter eggs and egg spoons anywhere (except Dinoville Canyon) Easter Egg Contains Easter dinosaur skin art Egg Spoon Needed to open Easter eggs FIGHT MONSTROUS DINOSAURS FOR RARE GOLDEN EGGS! Golden Egg Contains Easter dinosaur skin art Golden Spoon Needed to open […]Halloween Returns to Dinoville for All-New Quests and Rewards!
paź 28 2014Every single person in Dinoville is looking forward to the season of trick-or-treat, costumes and pumpkin lanterns—and we bet you are as well. Costume makers and dino skin art painters have been preparing awesome Halloween […]The Dinoball Challenge—Collect 32 Brand-New Sets of Clothes!
cze 12 2014Dinoball is all about teamwork. Follow event quests and pass balls to other players to get your hands on a fantastic set of clothes fit for Triforge use! Collect all 32 sets: 1. Defeat monstrous […]Wielkanoc w Dino Storm: Otwórz pisanki, aby zdobyć specjalne nagrody!
kwi 11 2014Znajdź jajka wielkanocne i łyżeczki do jajek porozrzucane po całej grze (z wyjątkiem Kanionu Dinoville) Pisanka Zawiera specjalny wielkanocny wzór skóry dinozaura Łyżeczka do jajek Potrzebne, aby móc otworzyć jajka wielkanocne Potrzebujesz łyżeczek? Zdobądź je […]Podbij piękny, lecz zabójczo niebezpieczny teren „Zielonego Wulkanu” – nowa mapa dla graczy na poziomie 25 i wyższym!
mar 25 2014Po okolicy krąży wiele przerażających historii o zaginionych ekspedycjach, które wyruszyły zbadać górzyste tereny na południe od Goldfields. Jednak teraz, po tym jak znaleziono w tym rejonie cenne minerały ukryte w wulkanicznej glebie, nie ma […]