Dear rangers,
We are relieved that the big balancing update for Dino Storm that had been in development for such a long time has finally hit the live servers. A few remaining issues that the community helped to uncover have been dealt with, and we are now into the final touches of proper fine-tuning.
That update’s development was accompanied by an extensive thought process as we knew that we would have to make big changes on how the game feels and plays in order to craft a solidly balanced gameplay in which every item in the game is relevant and useful. These kinds of updates always pose the risk that players will not accept the updated gameplay and instead choose to stop playing the game altogether. We are grateful that many of you chose to instead provide feedback that we could work with to shape the update further! Seeing all post-update bugs and all but a few woes resolved, we will now be able to take on the next topic from our list.
Map Shortcut Routes
Similar to the big balancing update, this topic had emerged from feedback we received from you on our Dev Shack #9.
We are planning to open up the game’s zone maps by adding shortcuts that will reduce the overall time spent walking and also provide additional tactical options for clan wars. The placement of the shortcuts however must be carefully planned to avoid issues with quests etc. @SirCoral and a few other contributors have provided examples on how the map routes could be adjusted. We will take these examples into consideration when we lay out the routes and try to keep the main visuals working without the need for restructuring larger parts of the map.
- Rework all maps from Goldfields up to Maujak Mountains to offer alternative routes.
- Adjust asset & building placements to work with the new routes.
We hope you are looking forward to seeing this update realized! As usual, we will keep you updated with the development progress here.