Dino Storm Update: Improved Group Quests and new Challenges
Set 27 2012Today’s update has a lot to offer: Besides the usual bunch of bug fixes existing content has seen further improvements, and completely new content has been added as well! Read on to catch a brief […]Dino Storm now also in Spanish
Ago 29 2012Finally we can offer the complete world of Dino Storm to all Spanish speaking dinosaur fans in their mother tongue as well. The whole game and the website are now available to you in fully translated […]Triple Dino Power for the Huge Mokon Woods Update
Ago 22 2012Today we have a huge bag filled with presents for you: Get ready for an exciting new zone and saddle no less than three additional dinosaur types! New Zone: Mokon Woods We are incredibly excited […]The Open Beta is here!
Ago 14 2012We are very happy to announce the start of the Open Beta testing phase today! We could not have done it without the valuable feedback from Closed Beta testers, so we would like to say […]Developer Diary: Building for Success
Ago 06 2012Peggy Warren: „Mr. Goldsmith (name changed by editor), you are far and wide the most successful gold miner. Can you explain your recipe for success?“ Gus Goldsmith: „Howdy! You need the right pickaxe, a good […]New Closed Beta Build live (Update: Open Beta live)
Ago 03 2012Update: Dino Storm is now in Open Beta! We just deployed a new build of the game to the Closed Beta Servers. Due to the scope of some of the changes we had to reset […]A new Closed Beta build has arrived (Update: Open Beta live)
Mag 31 2012Update: Dino Storm is now in Open Beta! „Man has feared dragons long before he even knew about dinosaurs.“ – Ernst Probst We are excited to update the Closed Beta server with a new build version […]Developer Diary: Set Out For Adventure!
Mar 08 2012There are special events in Dino Storm that greatly influence the game world and in which all players can participate and help each other. They are called “adventures” and we think the name suits them […]The Closed Beta Servers are Live! (Update: Open Beta live)
Feb 28 2012Update: Dino Storm is now in Open Beta! Now what does that mean for you exactly? Keep reading if you want to find out. If you have already received a Beta Key, Or “Access Key to […]Developer Diary: T-Rex
Feb 15 2012Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land predators to ever roam the earth. It lived during the late Cretaceous Period, roughly 66 million years ago. In Dino Storm though, the T-Rex is very much […]