Game Update November 5, 2019
Nov 04 2019Game Update November 5, 2019 Between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM UTC+1, the game servers will restart for a new game update to be deployed. Update Changelog [anchor]BUG FIXES[/anchor] Fixed a bug that could cause […]Game Update October 26, 2019
Ott 25 2019Game Update October 24, 2019 Server restart on October 26, 2019: AM Server at 11 am (UTC +2) EU server at 5 am (UTC +2) Changelog [anchor]IMPROVEMENTS[/anchor] Optimized server-side memory management in an effort to […]Get Ready For Halloween 2019!
Ott 25 2019Every single person in Dinoville is looking forward to the season of trick-or-treat, costumes and pumpkin lanterns—and we bet you are as well. Costume makers and dino skin art painters have been preparing awesome Halloween […]Game Update October 24, 2019
Ott 23 2019Game Update October 24, 2019 Between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM UTC+2, the game servers will restart for a new game update to be deployed. Update Changelog [anchor]IMPROVEMENTS[/anchor] Optimized server-side memory management in an effort […][American/Asian servers] Priority maintenance on October 15, 2019
Ott 14 2019[American/Asian servers] Priority maintenance on October 15, 2019 Around 05:00 (5 AM) server time, our American and Asian game servers America_1-5 and Asia_1 will shut down for up to 2 hours of maintenance work to […]Game Update October 15, 2019
Ott 02 2019Game Update October 15, 2019 Between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM UTC+2, the game servers will restart for a new game update to be deployed. Update Changelog [anchor]IMPROVEMENTS[/anchor] Made preparations for the upcoming Halloween event. […]#8 New Map – Maujak Mountains
Set 18 2019Hello rangers, around the world temperatures are unusually high, causing a red-hot summer for countries in the Northern hemisphere. But in Dino Storm, a cold winter is coming . We are working on a new […]Testing Maujak Mountains – PTR Bugs & Feedback
Gen 23 2019Post any bugs you find during the PTR test on January 21 for the Maujak Mountains Update. Your personal feedback is welcome as well! BEFORE YOU POST A BUG, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST: ~~ It's […]The Dev Shack #07 – Ankylosaurus
Feb 27 2018Hello rangers! We are getting closer to releasing Ankylosaurus into the game, and we would like to do it with a special one-time event You will be hearing more about this event soon! But first […]The Dev Shack #06 – BIG Update Part II
Gen 22 2018Hello rangers! Today we are proud to announce the second part of what came to be known as the “BIG update”. Yes, you heard right: Our original plans for the BIG update were even bigger! […]