Feedback Wanted: Conflict/Protection cycle timing

Howdy, currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where […]

currently site conflict phases are spread over the whole day which can make it more difficult for site holders to defend their claims and travel gates. Also, it is less ideal at times where not many players are online (surprise attacks during unconventional times are rarely happening).

The initial idea for the endgame update was to give the conflict phase a "daily event feeling" (with a single conflict phase happening at prime time) where many players are online to prepare for a big clash between clans. But as you all know, that idea of a single conflict phase per day was not well received, eventually leading to the 5-phase cycle that is currently live.

We would like to try again to achieve the feeling of a daily event, but at the same time keep multiple conflict phases; these however should be sitting closer around the times where most of you are online/available in the prime time of the server. Here are two suggestions that we would like to try out with you:

Cycle A
This cycle has three 1.5 hour long conflict phases with short 30-minute pauses between them.
Each conflict phase will have more rewards compared to the currently live config, as the daily reward is split by 3 (conflict phases per day).
This means you will be able to get the same amount of items as on a 5-phase cycle (provided your sites already have "excellent" Yield).

19:00-20:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
21:00-22:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
23:00-0:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

Cycle B
This cycle has two pairs of conflict phases with a short 30 minutes pause connecting each pair. The first pair starts earlier in the day, and the next pair will begin after a longer 1.5 hours pause.
Rewards per conflict phase will be a little lower as cycle A as it is split by 4 (conflict phases per day).

15:00-16:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
17:00-18:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
1.5 hours protection

20:00-21:30 (1.5 hours conflict)
30 min protection pause
22:00-23:30 (1.5 hours conflict)

How will it affect your clan when attacking/defending sites?
What do you think about the two cycle options and which one you would prefer?
Are the conflict phases too long, pauses too short, etc?

Constructive feedback on this topic would be great! Please don't forget to add the server you are playing on and more details so that we can better analyze your feedback.

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