Hiho Rangers,
the public ptr is open again with a updated version that could be already very close to the final version delpoyed live after no big issues come up from your feedback and data we check.
Testing Conditions:
Everyting as the live version except:
PTR Bug Section:
Feedback Topic:
the public ptr is open again with a updated version that could be already very close to the final version delpoyed live after no big issues come up from your feedback and data we check.
Testing Conditions:
Everyting as the live version except:
- No wearing out clothes & skins
- Triforge locked
- all map icons unlocked
- faster inactivity logout timer

Update 984 (2021-03-12)
Testing Changes Enabled that players can control buildings Removed all limitations from fights Removed all limitations for PvE/PvP Update 984 New status effects of the same type will not replace current running status effects if the remaining time left is longer than the new one that should...

PTR Bug Section:

PTR Bug Reports

Feedback Topic:

Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update" Public Test
Hello Dino Rangers The next big Dino Storm update " #10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs...