Hiho Rangers,
the public ptr is open again with a updated version that is shaped with the help of your feedback and data from testing participation. We hope that we get your feedback again on how the changes are received by you. Note: Please dont just use the T-Rex keep it varied and test out many combinations, Thanks.

Testing Conditions:
PTR Bug Section:
Feedback Topic:
the public ptr is open again with a updated version that is shaped with the help of your feedback and data from testing participation. We hope that we get your feedback again on how the changes are received by you. Note: Please dont just use the T-Rex keep it varied and test out many combinations, Thanks.
Testing Conditions:
- PVP Only (PVE test comes later when the PVP is balance is finished)
- Forced 1 vs 1 combat

Update 976 (Second initial Public Test Changelog 2021-02-19)
Update 976 Changelog: Status Effect Display/Skillbar Related Planned Changes WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PUBLIC TEST The status effects display is getting revised with the goal to provide improved readability. The default attack button in the center of the skill bar is getting...

PTR Bug Section:

PTR Bug Reports

Feedback Topic:

Feedback thread for the "Balancing Update" Public Test
Hello Dino Rangers The next big Dino Storm update " #10 Dinosaur & Weapon Balance" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs...