Christmas in Dinoville: Give Candy to Your Friends and Get Rewarded with Festive Items!
Dic 16 2013The season of gift giving has arrived in Dinoville, and with it a handful of festive visitors. Christmas trader Nicholas is setting up camp in the center of town, and four of his best helping […]Halloween in Dinoville: Get Your Spine-Chilling Dinosaur Skin Art and Ranger Costume!
Ott 25 2013Every single person in Dinoville is looking forward to the season of trick-or-treat, costumes and pumpkin lanterns—and we bet you are as well. Costume makers and dino skin art painters have been preparing awesome Halloween […]Pin Your Favorite Dinos From Dino Storm on Pinterest!
Ott 23 2013After conquering both Facebook and Google+, Dino Storm has now set foot on Pinterest as well. Follow our board on Pinterest and pin your favorite dinosaurs—or all of them! Visit Dino Storm on PinterestRead Your Surroundings Like a Book Thanks to Expertly Tracking Skills
Ott 16 2013Today’s update significantly enhances your ranger’s innate tracking skills, which means that it is now a lot easier to find the items you were looking for on your journey through Dinoville, Goldfields or Mokon Woods. […]Create New Dinosaur Skin Art & More With the Amazing Triforge!
Set 25 2013Charles “the Genius” Hawkins is a man with a plan – a masterful blueprint, to be exact. He has crafted the amazing Triforge, a device that can create exciting new items from old and ordinary […]Share Dino Storm with the World – Follow us on Google+
Set 04 2013Dino Storm keeps conquering the world of social media: Over 150,000 Likes on Facebooka>a> speak for themselves, and if you prefer running circles around your friends (sorry, could not resist) you can also find us […]The Easiest Way to Play: Get Dino Storm From the Chrome Web Store!
Ago 22 2013You love playing Dino Storm, and you are using the Chrome web browser? Now you can enjoy a super easy way to get into the game, because Dino Storm is available through the Chrome Web Store! You […]150,000 Facebook Likes – Buck Norris Hat, Dinosaur Skin Art and Gold Coins for Free!
Ago 18 2013Dino Storm on Facebook has reached the amazing number of 150,000 Likes. We would like to thank you all for your ongoing support with a free bonus code full of win! Free Bonus Code on Facebook: […]Extend Your Ranger’s Abilities in a Brand-New Way: Get the Amazing Power Gels!
Ago 15 2013We have added a brand-new way to enhance and extend the abilities of your ranger: Open up the Profile Window and browse the all-new, highly effective “Power Gels”. Enhance and Extend Your Ranger’s Abilities With […]Combat Redefined Part 3: Damage Boosters, Unlimited Healing and Treasure Boxes
Lug 19 2013With Combat Redefined Part 3 Dino Storm is shaking things up. Get ready for an amazing update that focuses on two of the most important things for any ranger in Dinoville: Dealing more damage and […]