Game Update March 25, 2021
Between 19:30 AM - 20:00 AM server time UTC+1, the game servers will be offline for the game to be updated.
Update Changelog
Drop Rate
We have identified an issue in the economy that was not as planned regarding item drop rates that was introduced to the game with our March 16 "Rebalance Update".
- Overall drop rate of items is siginficantly increased for all enemy units. (Might need further adjustment)
- Fixed incorrect camuflage dinoskin in the event shop
- Removed outdated skills from easter monstrosities
- Fixed an Issue that cleaned upgrade tasks for items that have been attached to the currently active Dino / Weapon
- Fixed missing unlock information for Dinosaurs in the Profile Window
- Fixed Icons / Map Information missing from the Map Window for Zones that haven't been instantiated
- They will now be instantiated on request, if they haven't been fired up already.
- The "Ask to Equip"-Window won't show anymore when you pick up an item while in combat
- You'll still get the notification that the item was stored to your inventory
- Fixed Loot Item Tasks to not lose their progress bar when hidden and shown again
- Fixed several issues that caused the game to crash.