Dear rangers,
The next big Dino Storm update "#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs smoothly and we could incorporate your feedback, the testing phase will conclude with the live release to follow shortly after.
Please Read This Before Joining the Test:
Design Changes Only for the Public Test:
The changes below are only applied during the testing phase and will be reverted/not take place when the update goes live.
Questions to the Community
It would be great if you can use the following questions as a guideline when you provide your feedback here.

The next big Dino Storm update "#14 Endgame Part 3 (Sites Gameplay)" is currently in the testing phase. It is now ready for the public PTR test which will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs smoothly and we could incorporate your feedback, the testing phase will conclude with the live release to follow shortly after.
- ! >>> READ THE CHANGELOG <<< !
- The PTR ("Public Test Realm") is exclusively used for testing.
- The server is running a fresh new state without any player avatars on it. After you create your new avatar, it will automatically be given the items etc. which are required for testing the new update.
- What you see on the PTR is still work in progress and might change during testing and for the live release.
- Only the English language is available for the game client.
- This test will only run for a few days.
- To gain access to the PTR, you may need to register a new Splitscreen Games account explicitly for the PTR.
- Reset password or create new account for PTR:
- Enter the PTR server here:
The changes below are only applied during the testing phase and will be reverted/not take place when the update goes live.
- After creating your avatar, it will receive the following:
- New avatars are set to max level.
- New avatars receive 5,000,000 Dino Dollars.
- New avatars receive 250,000 Gold Coins.
- Every dino, weapon and 5 times each implant and module at level 55 (Excluding the T-Rex)
- Clothing & Skins at level 55 for each available attribute with max quality
- 10 Jump Link construction kits
- Unlocked many inventory slots
- Conflict phases will be much more frequent on Thursday, February 29, than they are destined to be on live servers. ( 1 hour conflict phase, 30 min protection phase)
- We are planning to change the Conflict Phase timing during the test
- Townhall elections are sped up a lot compared to live servers, so that the Sheriff's office can be reached a lot quicker than on live servers.
- Group Quests are disabled
- Automaticall unlocked map icons
- Disabled 72 hours gang change cooldown
It would be great if you can use the following questions as a guideline when you provide your feedback here.
- How does the building defence difficult feel compared to the attack difficult?
- Is the length of the conflict phase appropriate to give attackers AND defenders an equal chance?
- What do you enjoy on the new system compared to the old and what not so much?