❅ ❆ Christmas in Dinoville ❅ ❆

The season of gift giving will soon come to Dinoville again, and with it a handful of festive visitors:
Christmas trader Nicholas is setting up camp in the center of town, and eleven of his most talented helping hands are moving to the outer areas.
[shadow=red]Small Mutual Gifts – Great Rewards for Everyone[/shadow]
Together they want to show everyone just how much fun it is to give a gift to a friend. If asked about how exactly they want to achieve this, Nicholas just smiles mysteriously, producing gingerbread men and candy canes from his big bag of presents.
Give these sweets to your friends!
Be sure to meet Nicholas and his eleven helpers from the North Pole! Special quests and rewards are only available during the course of the event, so you will want to visit them often.
[shadow=red]Complete Event Quests to Collect Sweets[/shadow]
- “Christmas in Dinoville” begins on December 19, 4:00 PM server time* and runs until January 5 2020, 11:59 PM server time*.
- Play event quests in Dinoville, Goldfields, Mokon Woods, Green Volcano, Coldclaw Valley and Maujak Mountains to collect festive sweets.
[*]Give sweets to and receive gifts from friends; Nicholas and his helpers will reward you for it with great christmas-themed rewards! - There will be Christmas Flash Sales of course—stay tuned for more info!
* US Server Time Zone: EST | EU Server Time Zone: CET | ASIA Server Time Zone: CST
[image2]https://splitscreen-games.com/content/events/xmas/ds_xmas_present_box.png]Dino Storm - Christmas Presents[/image2]