Fred Ex is Coming to Dinoville, and he is Heeding Your Calls!
A big "Thank You!" to anyone who contributed in our Flash Sale Survey! Fred Ex has tried to pack his transport dinos with as many of the items you wished for as possible.
The traveling trader is arriving Midnight on August 20th (12 AM)*
Check out his rare items shop and the premium item auctions!
PLUS there is a special 30-day damage booster sale!
Special Flash Sales
- This special sales offer may look like a regular flash sale at first, BUT:
- There is only one kind of item: 30-Day Violent Damage Booster
- There is just a single sales time slot per day!
- 1st time slot: Thursday, August 20, 4 PM*
- The starting times for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday time slots can be seen in the sales window shortly after a sales time slot has closed.
Rare Items Shop
- Fred Ex will be located in central Dinoville. This time, his event store is filled with exclusive and rare dinosaur skin art, some of which have never been offered for purchase before. Most of these items can be bought for Gold Coins, but some are available for gems as well.
Premium Item Auctions
- Premium item auctions can only be bid on with Gold Coins!
- Premium auctions can be accessed both through the regular Auction House, and through a special auction task that will be present as long as premium auctions are available.
- Premium auctions work similar to regular auctions, with a few notable differences:
- There is no bidding fee with premium auctions.
- Bids are not billed immediately, but get "prebooked" for the duration of the auction. When the auction ends, the highest bidder gets the auctioned item and loses the amount of Gold Coins that he/she had previously entered as their bid. The other bidders on that auction lose nothing; prebooked bids are reset.
- In case the auction winner does not have enough Gold Coins left to pay his/her winning bid, the next highest bidder wins the auction.
- Dinosaur skin art offered through premium auctions is level 55; it can be bought and worn with any ranger level—the skin art's attribute values will scale down to match the ranger level.
- ONLY in premium item auctions there will be customization items with MAX QUALITY!
- ONLY in premium item auctions there will be customization items with FIXED ATTRIBUTES!
* Server time (American servers: EDT, European servers: CEST, Asian server: CST)