Update Changelog, November 18 2014
Nov 18 2014Improvements Flash Sales will now stay at the top of the quest list at the left edge of the screen. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug that allowed enemy units to be relocated to another part […]Update Changelog, November 11 2014
Nov 11 2014Improvements Skeleton dinosaur skin art can now be created using the Triforge.Update Changelog, October 21 2014
Oct 21 2014Improvements Made preparations for the upcoming Halloween event. Reduced the damage dealt by mounted dinosaur units to better match player strength; the disparity in strength became more apparent at higher ranger levels. The Stability attribute […]Update Changelog, September 16 2014
Sep 16 2014Improvements Chat messages exceeding a length of 300 characters now get blocked by the spam filter.Update Changelog, September 9 2014
Sep 09 2014Bug Fixes Fixed a bug that could prevent certain fashionable items from being renewed through the profile window.Changelogs du 19 Août 2014
Août 19 2014Améliorations Ajout du tchèque comme nouvelle langue en « beta »-traduction dont environ 100% est déjà fait. Vous pouvez voter ou ajouter vos propres traductions ici: Prix des Gels de Puissance ont été ajustés à la fois […]Changelogs du 5 août 2014
Août 05 2014Améliorations Lorsqu’un joueur sera vaincu au combat, il ne perdra plus d’item au sol. Au lieu de cela, les joueurs perdront à la place un peu Dino Dollars. Ils seront alors en mesure de ramasser […]Update Changelog, July 22nd 2014
Juil 22 2014Bug Fixes Fixed a bug that caused the attribute effects of clan booster items to be incorrectly displayed as providing a « 0% » boost. The PvP Protection window now closes automatically when moving away from the […]Update Changelog, July 1st 2014
Juil 01 2014Improvements The ongoing Dinoball 2014 event has gained eight additional achievements. Clan boosters have been reworked to provide sizable attribute boosts also for high-level players. Bug Fixes The Monstrous Parasaurolophus in Green Volcano is no […]Update Changelog, June 11th 2014
Juin 11 2014Improvements Made preparations for the upcoming Dinoball event. Townhall office holders are now required to apply for the next highest office as soon as someone applies for the office they currently hold. Players who cannot […]